Noni Products one stop services using your own brand : supply imported quality Noni raw material from Indonesia for manufacturing, provide appropriate production plans, packaging, manufacturing, ODM/ODM, technical supports, training, advertisement draft supports.
Customers' requirements and Product development concept are our driving force.
Full Servic For OEM/ODM Generation
Provide comprehensive imported quality Noni raw material :
Comprehensive tailor made products
To meet Clients' requirements and needs, we provide the following services
Provide comprehensive manufacturing services
Determine product specifications, procure raw materials, arrange factory manufacturing process, provide production technical supports, quality control and assurances, provide relevant testing and certification, assist in packaging and delivery.
Comprehensive advertisement and promotion supports
Provide write up for advertisement and promotion, assist to check on the advertisement contents, authorise the use of copy right material such as video, pictures, photos, relevant certificates, use of logos, etc., assist in web site development and contents write up.
Comprehensive professional technical supports
With a track record of 20 years professional Noni technology, from planting, manufacturing, sales to consumers applications, we provide a comprehensive Noni professional technique and knowledge supports.
Comprehensive professional training supports
Provide comprehensive on line and off line training supports like core team training, briefings, formal announcements, etc. With professional technical training and question and answer sessions.
Comprehensive tailor made products
- Noni enzyme - Noni fruit pulp
- Noni collagen - Noni disinfectant
- Noni dried fruit - Noni fruit
- Noni essence oil
- consultancy services on market trends and demands
- sale channel characteristics
- market analysis
- tailor made with various Noni products to support your speedy local marketing development.
Determine product specifications, procure raw materials, arrange factory manufacturing process, provide production technical supports, quality control and assurances, provide relevant testing and certification, assist in packaging and delivery.
Provide write up for advertisement and promotion, assist to check on the advertisement contents, authorise the use of copy right material such as video, pictures, photos, relevant certificates, use of logos, etc., assist in web site development and contents write up.
With a track record of 20 years professional Noni technology, from planting, manufacturing, sales to consumers applications, we provide a comprehensive Noni professional technique and knowledge supports.
Provide comprehensive on line and off line training supports like core team training, briefings, formal announcements, etc. With professional technical training and question and answer sessions.
Pure NoniElite fluid now available ex- stock or by order(50ml)
Noni Concentrate by order
Aluminum foil bag packaging by order
Full Service For OEM/ODM Generation
  Full Service For OEM/ODM Generation
The reason of choosing Noni Factory : Quality Guaranteed
As above, noni’s quality identification can be proved, but there are a lot of poor noni sold at high prices as high quality noni.Now the price becomes a blind spot of customers.Economically poor consumers will choose cheaper products on the Internet...[More]
Noni fcatory is From noni natively - planting base is located in Indonesia, “ jadeite on the equator ” of the kuril islands Indonesia. Indonesia is a tropical oceanic climate, with high temperature and rainy, small wind, humidity, etc; 30 ℃, annual average temperature at the age of ...[More]
Growing environment&quality:
The Emerald on the Equator、The Cradle of Noni--
Noni’s primary temperature is at 28-35 degrees,the most ideal growing region is Indonesia which located along the equator line.There the noni trees there are leafy, can bear fruit, blossom whole .....[More]
Select " gold noni fruit " as raw materials:
Noni is Indonesia's native plants, Noni trees reached more than 20 meters high, Noni fruit length can be up to eight centimeters of above. Grown in soil extensive experience in humus layer fire noni, make the noni enzyme PH value: 2.8 ~ 3.2, brix: 3.5 ~ 3.8, mellow taste sour and, is the best....[More]
Raw material classification, technical indicators:
※Provide import:A Grade、 2 A Grade、3 A Grade three pure noni raw materials
※pH:2.8~3.3(The lower the pH, the better);Other manufacturers, the brand of noni raw material pH: > 4.0
※Brix:3.8~4.8(The lower the brix value, the better); Other manufacturers, the brand of noni raw material Brix: >6.8.
Brand solid base
Noni factory - We have 20 years extensive experience in Noni Products production techniques. Our plantation makes full use of Indonesia’s unique geographical environments and climate conditions. From the selection of the site, planting, managing to product research and development, we provide a comprehensive one stop manufacturing services core management system. It consists of “ Noni self fermentation technique “ and “ Noni wild planting management “, our 2 core technology. Our extensive experience, couple with solid product base, are the best back up assurance of your marketing development.
Noni plant to provide you with stable supply, quality assurance of a variety of noni raw materials for your choice
Packaging packaging, factory arrangement, production technology, product qualification certificate, one-stop service
Advertising materials, the copyright of the video, picture, photo, id file, use Our trademark..
Extensive experience / mature technology, high quality raw materials / solid foundation will be you expand the market to win!
We have 20 years extensive experience in Noni Products production techniques. Timely solve the problem of your sales links, to solve customer's problems at any time......
Mature noni plant, raw material production, finished product production technology, make product quality and safety, no worries.
Pure Noni enzyme ; Noni juice ;Noni fruit pulp ;Noni collagen ;Noni disinfectant ;Noni dried fruit ;Noni fruit powder ;Noni essence oil
Extensive noni database, provide you with needed support
Extensive noni pictures, video information, has its own copyright authorization, according to the needs and requirements, heavy, or can be used directly.
Support online and offline training support, such as the cadre training, presentation, presentation and other professional and technical training and solutions
Online consulting
According to your requirements, make the product type, specification
Packaging customization, production arrangement, finished product delivery
On the equator of the jade, noni native to Indonesia
E-Mail: s_noni@126.com; 54486070@qq.com; 150001345@qq.com
Tel: +86-13524071766
Noni planting base in IndonesiaNoni planting base in Indonesia
Shanghai office
High quality noni products on your master, you only have to focus on starting your powerful market, don't waste your time!
Health depends on value,not price. Cheap goods are not good, high prices are not necessarily good goods.
Noni Factory © All rights reserved